Online CE and Professional Development

All Nursing

Discount Bundle Price: $199.00

This fully accredited course program series is a prerequisite by many hospitals and healthcare facilities for the nursing individual entering the Critical Care Unit. It is designed to work into a busy schedule and may be completed all at once or over a period of time.

This online CCN Program consists of 24 individual courses sequenced to cover all of the major systems of the body to provide the theoretical platform by focusing on the fundamentals of caring for critically ill patients. Various case studies and other interactive activities will allow the clinician to correlate findings into a real life clinical situation. Delivered in a unique multimedia learning format, these courses were designed specifically for self-study allowing participants access for a full year after purchase.

Discount Bundle Price: $49.00

Tired of going from site to site trying to find courses for your general CE credits? We've selected courses in 3 categories: Diversity, Mental Health, and General - totaling 16.5 credits for relicensing with just one click! Stop searching - finalize your license renewal requirements with this bundle. And the best part is that you don't have to finish them all in one day! With this bundle, you have up to 1 year to complete, and once you successfully complete each course, the CE credits will post directly to your CE Broker account. 

Regular price $128.00.

Discount Bundle Price: $39.00

Limited time: over 50% off bundle price! Almost time to renew? Searching for CEs? General credits are easy to accumulate but the mandatories are time-consuming, trying to find and then cross-referencing to ensure they meet the criteria required. This package includes all 6 of the mandatory courses and are all Florida BON-approved, but that's not allas each is completed, it will electronically report to your CE Broker account!

Nursing CE: 1.50
Price: $10.00
Expires: 3/1/2026

This course focuses on the care and administration of blood and blood products. It will review the indications for transfusions, the appropriate use of blood and blood products, and the care and monitoring of a patient receiving blood and/or blood products.

Price: FREE
Expires: 1/1/2026

Assess your current knowledge of ECG & Dysrhythmias with this free course. This pre-test provides the participant with the assessment tools to measure current clinical knowledge through 5 quick tests that will also result in a benchmark for the 3 courses within the dysrhythmias and ECG series.

Nursing CE: 1.50
Price: $15.00
Expires: 12/2/2025

Utilization of a Transthoracic Echocardiogram or TTE is imperative for a patient who lacks current cardiac information and presents with a questionable hemodynamic status. The TTE offers real-time information on the cardiac function that will alter the anesthetic plan. If the provider finds that the patient is currently hemodynamically compromised, the option to cancel surgery should be considered depending on the urgency, necessity, and available resources from the facility.  

Target audience: Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetists (CRNAs), Student Registered Nurse Anesthetists (SRNAs), Anesthesiologists, Advanced Practice Nurse Practitioners, Registered Nurses, and members of the healthcare team.  

The understanding of cardiac functions as well as the basic understanding of how an ultrasound probe works is a prerequisite for this course.

Nursing CE: 1.00
Price: $5.00
Expires: 8/1/2026

No one is ever prepared for the death of a child whether that is before they are born, just after they are born, in childhood or as a teenager or even as an adult. Whether it's through natural cause, medical reasons, or inflicted harm, understnding and supporting parents and family members who are anticipating or who have experienced a child loss goes beyond our medical training. This course will provide tools that will assist you in offering emotional support to those who have suffered the loss of a baby or child. We will shed light on the intricacies of child death, its unique challenges and grief experienced through loss by parents and families.

This course is part of the Wholistic Care Series provided by echelon.

Discount Bundle Price: $25.00

This series was designed for the busy healthcare professional looking to expand their knowledge base of the cardiovascular system. Each course is presented in a unique multimedia learning format and allows you to schedule your education time. After purchasing the courses, participants may review the course for a full year.

This system course is accredited for 5.5 CNE by Arkansas State Board of Nursing, California Board of Registered Nursing, Distrit of Columbia Board of Nursing, Georgia Board of Nursing, Florida Board of Nursing, New Mexico Board of Nursing, South Carolina Board of Nursing, West Virginia Board of Examiners for Registered Professional Nurses. Sucessful course completions are reported to CE Broker every evening.

Nursing CE: 2.00
Imaging CE: 2.00
Price: $13.50
Expires: 3/1/2026

The demographic trends are clear - the medical professions in the U.S. will be managing increasing numbers of Hispanic patients, while minority patients experience poorer health status. (Barrow, 2010) Understanding the reasons for this will help healthcare providers improve health trends for Hispanic populations in the United States. Cultural competency is important for everyone touching Hispanic patients in some way. This program is dedicated to describing the most significant cultural traits of Latino peoples and providing practical advice for the English-speaking American seeking positive interaction with this segment of the population.

Nursing CE: 1.00
Price: $10.00
Expires: 3/1/2027
This course presents informatics and the concepts related to declarative and procedural learning. In addition, this course will guide the learner through accessing and evaluating medical resources on the Internet and through the specific components and functionality of the Critical Care Nursing Program.
Nursing CE: 1.50
Price: $20.00
Expires: 3/1/2027
This in-depth explanation of the cardiovascular system is the first in a series of five courses exploring the heart in structure, function, heart failure, disease, injury and medications. This course reviews the structure and function of the cardiovascular system, the role of circulating blood in meeting cellular needs, maintaining hemostasis, and much more.
Nursing CE: 1.00
Price: $25.00
Expires: 3/1/2027
This cardiovascular course presents an overview of the cardiovascular patient assessment process and a review of the cardiovascular diagnostic tools used for evaluation. Signs and symptoms of cardiovascular dysfunction are discussed, and techniques for auscultating heart sounds and taking a pertinent cardiovascular patient history are described. You will also learn about invasive and non-invasive procedures for evaluating cardiovascular dysfunction, and much more.
Nursing CE: 1.00
Price: $20.00
Expires: 3/1/2027
Learn about the risk factors associated with acute coronary syndrome. Also discussed are STEMI and NSTEMI, left and right ventricular failure, and how to recognize the signs and symptoms and medical management of acute coronary syndrome.
Nursing CE: 1.00
Price: $25.00
Expires: 3/1/2027
Surgical intervention and treatments are presented for cardiovascular disease states. Also discussed are cardiac structure disorders, aortic pathology, aneurysms, and arrhythmias.
Nursing CE: 1.00
Price: $25.00
Expires: 3/1/2027
Follow several cardiovascular-associated case studies through patient presentation, diagnosis, treatment, medications, surgery, and outcomes.
Nursing CE: 1.00
Price: $20.00
Expires: 3/1/2027
This course covers the etiology, signs and symptoms, diagnostics and treatment for syndrome of inappropriate antidiuretic hormone, adrenal insufficiency, pheochromocytoma, Cushing's syndrome, Addison's disease, and hypoparathyroidism.
Nursing CE: 1.00
Price: $10.00
Expires: 3/1/2027
This Diabetes course for nurses provides assessment, treatment, management, and care of the patient with diabetes mellitus. In addition to an overview of basic diabetes care, treatment and management, specific protocols, and guidelines to providing optimal patient outcomes and metabolic control of blood sugar levels of a patient with diabetes will be discussed.
Nursing CE: 1.00
Price: $25.00
Expires: 3/1/2027
This GI course for nurses presents a brief overview of the structures and function of the GI system as well as an assessment of the patient with GI disorders. Course content includes identifying abnormal findings of the GI tract and appropriate management of the critically ill patient. Also presented is the function of the accessory organs of the GI tract and normal nutrient metabolism.
Nursing CE: 1.00
Price: $25.00
Expires: 3/1/2027
This hematology course for nurses presents a brief overview of the structures and function of the hematologic system and the care and treatment of patients with diseases that arise from various blood disorders. Course content includes components of the blood and their functions, normal and abnormal hematologic conditions, and needed responses in the critical care setting.
Nursing CE: 1.50
Price: $20.00
Expires: 3/1/2027
This Hematology course for nurses presents an overview of the components of blood, the different types of white blood cells, and the role they play in the body's immune system. Course content includes discussion on the difference between humoral and cell-mediated immunity, clinical assessment of a patient with an immune reaction, as well as the etiology, pathophysiology, and care issues that occur with neutropenia and leukocytosis.
Nursing CE: 1.50
Price: $25.00
Expires: 3/1/2027
This course describes different components of the immune system and factors that play a key role in maintaining hemostasis in the body. Also discussed are clinical and laboratory assessments of the patient with an immune reaction, as well as assessing a patient with hemotologic disorders. Included is a comprehensive look at HIT, DIC, and HIV.
Nursing CE: 1.00
Price: $25.00
Expires: 3/1/2027
This Multisystem course is the last in the series of courses for critical care nursing candidates. It uses pertinent information from other courses to pull together and describe the results of decreased tissue perfusion resulting from dysfunction/failure of multiple body systems. Critical care nurses will become adept at identifying various types of shock, along with the clinical presentations and steps essential to achieve the best clinical outcome.
Nursing CE: 1.00
Price: $25.00
Expires: 3/1/2027
This Multisystem course presents an overview of shock, differentiates between the five types of shock, and discusses the causes, signs/symptoms, pathophysiology, and treatment associated with each type. Also presented is critical nursing care based on assessment findings and response to therapy.
Nursing CE: 1.50
Price: $25.00
Expires: 3/1/2027

This neurological course for nurses presents an overview of primary structures of the central nervous system (the brain and spinal cord), peripheral nervous system, neuroglia and neurons. Course content includes discussion of basic and complex neurological assessments, intracranial dynamics, and optimal management of the critically ill patient.

Nursing CE: 1.50
Price: $25.00
Expires: 3/1/2027
This neurological course for nurses presents the causes, diagnosis, and treatment for patients who present with epidural and subdural hematomas, as well as those who present with intracranial, intraventricular, and subarachnoid hemorrhages. Also discussed is the treatment and nursing care utilized in the care of patients who are diagnosed with arteriovenous malformation or ischemic stroke.
Nursing CE: 1.50
Price: $20.00
Expires: 3/1/2027
This neurological course for nurses presents disease states of the patient with a head injury or spinal cord injury. Also presented are surgical treatments that are often used to treat specific injuries and the expected outcomes of these procedures as well as nursing treatment utilized in caring for patients who have these injuries.
Nursing CE: 1.00
Price: $20.00
Expires: 3/1/2027
This neurological course for nurses presents disease states of the patient with a neurological disorder. Course content includes diagnosis, etiology, and classifications of seizures and epilepsy, as well as treatments utilized for these disorders. Also presented are CNS infections, neuromuscular diseases, neurological tumors, and medications commonly used in the neurological arena.
Nursing CE: 1.00
Price: $25.00
Expires: 3/1/2027
This pulmonary course for critical care nurses presents a brief overview of the structures and functions of the pulmonary system as well as its role in the regulation of gas exchange and the maintenance of acid/base balance. Techniques for obtaining and analyzing arterial blood gases are described, and differentiation of imbalance pathologies are discussed. Course content encompasses clinical presentation and management of patients with various acid/base imbalances.
Nursing CE: 1.00
Price: $25.00
Expires: 3/1/2027
This pulmonary course for nurses presents the methods for assessing the respiratory system, including inspection, palpation, percussion, and auscultation. The modalities used to assist and support ventilation are outlined and defined. The methods for maintaining an open airway are described. Course content discusses indications and criteria for long-term airway support.
Nursing CE: 1.00
Price: $25.00
Expires: 3/1/2027
This course on ventilators and chest tubes includes a discussion of modes of ventilation, ventilator-associated pneumonia, suction/secretion management, and the ventilator's effect on specific body systems. Chest tubes and the varieties of chest drainage systems utilized to correct pulmonary anomalies.
Nursing CE: 1.50
Price: $25.00
Expires: 3/1/2027
This last course in the pulmonary series for nurses presents various disease states of the pulmonary system. Included in this course is the etiology and clinical presentation for patients presenting with acute respiratory failure, ARDs, COPD and asthma, and other pulmonary diseases, such as lung cancer and pulmonary emboli. Also presented are medications, therapies, and treatments utilized in the care of these patients.
Nursing CE: 1.00
Price: $20.00
Expires: 3/1/2027
This renal course for nurses presents an overview of the anatomy and physiology of the renal system, patient assessment, and common diagnostic procedures for renal evaluation. Course content includes the kidney's role in forming and excreting urine, maintaining fluid and electrolyte balance, producing hormones, and regulating acid-base in balance.
Nursing CE: 1.00
Price: $25.00
Expires: 3/1/2027
This Renal: Abnormalities and Treatment course is designed for nursing professionals and describes several common renal alterations and disease states. Course content includes the etiology, pathophysiology, patient care, and treatment issues and choices with these diseases, as well as issues related to diagnosis, care, and treatment of patients with acute and chronic renal failure.
Nursing CE: 1.50
Price: $25.00
Expires: 2/15/2026

This course presents three (3) client case studies highlighting interprofessional collaboration and interventions that address the client challenges of having multiple chronic conditions with limited resources. These case studies stem from real life experiences at the AdventHealth University's Hope Clinic (AHU-HC). The Hope Clinic is a place that welcomes individuals, without rehabilitation treatment options, to receive free wholistic care while contributing to students' interprofessional educational experiences. 

Nursing CE: 2.00
Price: $13.50
Expires: 7/1/2026

Having to give bad news to patients happens frequently in healthcare arenas and many times healthcare professionals have not received training and education on how to compassionately and competently deliver bad news. Research has demonstrated that educating and reeducating healthcare professionals how to deliver bad news using a tool decreases patient distress and improves healthcare professional confidence and empathetic response thereby creating a better encounter for everyone involved.

This course will focus on providing healthcare professional education on the available tools and frameworks available to deliver bad news and provide education on how to implement one of these tools when having to discuss difficult information with patients.

Nursing CE: 1.00
Imaging CE: 1.25
Price: $8.00
Expires: 6/1/2026

Compassion fatigue knows no boundaries and is prevalent to all caregivers who care for those with chronic illness, acute emergent illnesses like they see in ICU, ED, PICU, NICU, and step-down units and their families. It is the very act of caring, giving of ourselves, that makes us susceptible to the probability of experiencing compassion fatigue. These difficult scenarios include having to give bad news, experiencing the death of patients, having intense interactions with patients, and high level of job responsibility that lead to secondary traumatic stress and burnout. More often than not as they continually give of themselves in these difficult and traumatic situations in repetitive fashion, their compassion satisfaction begins to decline, questioning their meaning.

In this 60-minute course, we will uncover the phenomenon called “Compassion Fatigue” and how it relates to you. 

Nursing CE: 1.00
Imaging CE: 1.75
Price: $8.00
Expires: 2/1/2026
This course provides a comprehensive guide to dysrhythmias commonly manifested by imaging patients. It is directed any healthcare professional who may work with imaging patients. This course provides a comprehensive review of cardiac anatomy and physiology, and electrophysiology.
Nursing CE: 1.00
Imaging CE: 1.00
Price: $8.00
Expires: 7/1/2026
Disparities in cardiovascular healthcare exist; they are pervasive, entrenched in society, and documented by numerous studies. This course for healthcare professionals, offers a review of the research; highlights some specific aspects of the problem, including risk factors, diagnostic and treatment practices, and morbidity/mortality rates; and describes some of the national, community, and healthcare actions that can improve cardiovascular healthcare for all Americans.
Nursing CE: 2.00
Imaging CE: 3.00
Price: $13.50
Expires: 11/1/2026

The purpose of this course is to enrich the quality of healthcare professionals’ culturally sensitive healthcare delivery. Cultural and Linguistic Appropriate Standards are discussed, theories that assist in the delivery of cross-cultural care are reviewed, and several tools that can facilitate and enhance conducting a culturally sensitive assessment are introduced.  

Nursing CE: 2.00
Imaging CE: 3.25
Price: $16.00
Expires: 7/1/2026

This course is directed to all healthcare professionals. Presented are the definition, statistics, and patterns of domestic violence in America. This course outlines intimate partner violence, elder abuse and neglect, and child abuse and neglect. Learn the factors that make healthcare professionals reluctant to intervene in these situations. Although laws and definition of terms may vary among states, all state legislatures have passed laws requiring that you must take action to help the victim - failure to report is a first degree misdemeanor!

This course has been approved by a MQA Board and fulfills the renewal and disciplinary continuing education requirements for 2 hours of Domestic Violence as required for state licensing in the state of Florida - 456.031, F.S. and 64B-5.010, F.A.C.

Nursing CE: 2.00
Price: $13.50
Expires: 3/1/2026

Dosage Calculation Review covers the calculation of oral, intramuscular, subcutaneous, and intravenous medications for both pediatric and adult populations. Mathematical skills will be reviewed and interactive practice problems will be included after each module to reinforce the math skills needed to correctly calculate dosages. This course is presented in a multimedia format that is entertaining and informative.

Nursing CE: 1.00
Price: $5.00
Expires: 9/1/2026

In the healthcare setting, most adults we encounter are experiencing some type of loss, and in turn, grief.  Not at all surprising, many people receiving healthcare may be experiencing functional loss. Grief is a process and as a result is not a specific emotion. In this course, we will focus on increased awareness of the 6 types of losses an adult may face while creating a familiarity with the dynamics of the grief experience and offer ways to support those who are integrating their grief and loss experience.

This course is part of the Wholistic Care Series provided by echelon.

Nursing CE: 1.00
Imaging CE: 2.00
Price: $10.00
Expires: 7/31/2026

ECG: Cardiac Review was designed to advance the clinical expertise and provide the platform in understanding and analysis of ECG rhythms. This module is intended to deliver to the healthcare provider a review of cardiac anatomy and physiology in relation to electrophysiology, dysrhythmias, and heart blocks.

Nursing CE: 1.00
Imaging CE: 1.50
Price: $10.00
Expires: 7/31/2026

ECG: Heart Blocks and Causes was designed to advance the clinical expertise in the understanding, knowledge, and skills of AV blocks and their causes in terms of their identification criteria, causes, and appropriate treatment protocol.

Nursing CE: 1.00
Imaging CE: 1.50
Price: $10.00
Expires: 7/31/2026

ECG: Junctional Dysrhythmias was designed to advance the clinical expertise in the understanding, knowledge, and skills of junctional rhythms in terms of their identification criteria, causes, and appropriate treatment protocol.

Nursing CE: 1.00
Imaging CE: 2.00
Price: $10.00
Expires: 7/31/2026

ECG: Lead Systems & Waveforms was designed to advance the clinical expertise in the understanding of dysrhythmias and ECG. This module is intended to deliver to the healthcare provider a review of ECG waveforms to the electrical events in the heart including leads, lead wire systems, the components of ECG analysis, and waveforms followed by strip analysis.

Nursing CE: 0.50
Imaging CE: 0.75
Price: $5.00
Expires: 7/31/2026

ECG: Pacemakers was designed to advance the clinical expertise in the understanding of pacemakers. This course is intended to deliver to the healthcare provider the knowledge of the types of pacemakers, possible malfunctions, their causes, and appropriate actions. In addition, the healthcare provider will have the fundamental skills to identify ECG strip representations of pacemaker malfunctions.

Nursing CE: 1.00
Imaging CE: 2.00
Price: $10.00
Expires: 7/31/2026

ECG: Pharmacologics and Drug Classifications was designed to advance the clinical expertise in the understanding of pharmacologics and drug classifications. This course is intended to deliver to the healthcare provider the knowledge of pharmacologics in terms of antiarrhythmic drug classifications, use, dosage, guidelines, and clinical impact according to the ACLS treatment protocol.

Nursing CE: 1.50
Imaging CE: 3.00
Price: $15.00
Expires: 7/31/2026

ECG: Sinus Dysrhythmias was designed to advance the clinical expertise in the understanding, knowledge, and skills of sinus rhythms in terms of their identification criteria, causes, and appropriate treatment protocol.

Nursing CE: 1.00
Imaging CE: 2.00
Price: $10.00
Expires: 7/31/2026

ECG: Ventricular Dysrhythmias was designed to advance the clinical expertise in the understanding, knowledge, and skills of ventricular dysrhythmias in terms of their identification criteria, causes, and appropriate treatment protocol.

Nursing CE: 1.00
Price: $30.00
Expires: 6/16/2026

Epidural anesthesia has been used as a practical approach to pain management in various hospital settings, partially the obstetric unit. Labor pain is one of the most profound pains a woman may encounter in her life and if left unmanaged, it can cause anxiety, increased blood pressure, decreased fetal perfusion, and lead to a traumatic childbirth experience possibly leading to post-traumatic stress disorder (Su et al., 2023). Addressing a patient’s pain during labor is crucial. 

Nursing CE: 2.00
Price: $20.00
Expires: 10/1/2027

Chest X-ray interpretation falls within the scope of practice of several healthcare professionals including physicians, physician assistants, and a variety of advanced practice nurses. Despite being a skill expected of these healthcare providers, research shows that there is an overall lack in knowledge, confidence levels, and formal education on basic chest X-ray interpretation skills among healthcare professionals. This module aims to enhance your knowledge and diagnostic abilities and broaden your clinical toolkit for more effective patient care.

Nursing CE: 4.00
Price: $25.00
Expires: 1/1/2026
Fundamentals of ECG & Basic Dysrhythmias was designed to advance the clinical expertise in the understanding of dysrhythmias and ECG. Part 1 of our series provides the platform in understanding and analysis of ECG rhythms. The course begins with a review of cardiac anatomy and physiology in relation to electrophysiology, dysrhythmias and heart blocks; the course then advances into ECG including leads and waveforms followed by strip analysis. This course is intended to deliver to the healthcare provider a review of the basic fundamentals of cardiac anatomy, physiology, and electrophysiology, and is a recommended prerequisite to Part 2 - Rhythms and Part 3 - Treatment and Pharmacologics.
Nursing CE: 4.50
Price: $25.00
Expires: 1/1/2026
Fundamentals of ECG & Basic Dysrhythmias was designed to advance the clinical expertise in the understanding of dysrhythmias and ECG. Part 2 of our series is designed to advance clinical expertise with ECG rhythms. This course outlines and interactively takes the participant step by step in identifying the essential ECG rhythms, heart blocks and causes, and outlines the ACLS treatment protocol. This course is intended to deliver to the healthcare provider the knowledge and skills to differentiate sinus, junctional, and ventricular rhythms, and heart blocks in terms of their identification criteria, causes, and appropriate treatment protocol.
Nursing CE: 2.50
Price: $15.00
Expires: 1/1/2026
Fundamentals of ECG & Dysrhythmias was designed to advance the clinical expertise in the understanding of dysrhythmias and ECG. Part 3 of our series provides an overview of pacemakers and an introduction to the pharmacologics generally used to manage dysrhythmias. This course is intended to deliver to the healthcare provider the knowledge of the types of pacemakers, possible malfunctions, their causes, and appropriate actions. In addition, the healthcare provider will have the fundamental skills to identify ECG strip representations of pacemaker malfunctions and pharmacologics in terms of antiarrhythmic drug classifications, use, dosage, guidelines, and clinical impact.
Nursing CE: 1.00
Price: $10.00
Expires: 1/1/2026

This is the final portion of the ECG & Dysrhythmias Series. Upon completion of the Pre-assessment and the 3 ECG courses, complete the interactive case studies and review questions in this post-test assessment developed specifically to measure your comprehension and clinical application of parts 1, 2, and 3 of our "Fundamentals of ECG & Basic Dysrhythmias Series"

Nursing CE: 1.00
Price: $5.00
Expires: 6/1/2025

All healthcare professionals experience patient loss and nurses are the frontline compassion staff who face this unavoidable fact of life all to often. As nurses our purpose is to find ways to help those who are struggling with a death to face it honestly and directly, make the necessary adjustments to come to grips with "the new normal", and go on in life despite the radically changed landscape. This course confronts the reality of death and discusses various aspects of how we cope with it in a wholistic and realistic way to minimize the emotional and psychological damage done by the loss. In addition, we will look at some differing aspects and situations that arise when death occurs.

This course is accredited for all nursing professionals in the clinical arena, hospice environment, faith community, and international Parish Nursing environment. This course is accredited for 1 CNE unit in IPRNC category Grieving and Loss or 1 Credit ANCC Domain 2 towards Specialty Nursing Certification.

This course is part of the Wholistic Care Series provided by echelon.

Nursing CE: 1.00
Imaging CE: 2.00
Price: $8.00
Expires: 1/1/2026

This HIV/AIDS course is designed for the healthcare professional who would like to learn more about the clinical management and current recommended treatment regimens of the patient who is HIV-positive. ART will be discussed, as well as treatment to control symptoms and to treat concurrent opportunistic and co-infections.

This course is fully accredited by the Department of Health under 64B9-5.009, F.A.C. and 456.033, F.S.

Nursing CE: 2.00
Imaging CE: 3.00
Price: $16.00
Expires: 1/1/2026

Learn about AIDS-defining infections and the general guidelines to delay or prevent occurrences. The content is organized into three broad sections: 1) some of the more common co-infections, including hepatitis and STDs; 2) opportunistic, AIDS-defining infections, including those that are bacterial, fungal, viral, and parasitical, as well as several malignancies; and 3) guidelines to delay or prevent occurrences of these infections.

This course meets MQA requirements under 64B9-5.009, F.A.C. and 456.033, F.S.

Nursing CE: 1.00
Imaging CE: 1.75
Price: $8.00
Expires: 1/1/2026

The course focus is on HIV/AIDS prevention and transmission. It also addresses concerns of healthcare workers who may have "accidentally" been infected. Content includes an overview of AIDS: its global impact, disease stages, and treatment guidelines; a discussion of OSHA standards related to bloodborne pathogens; and a description of the Florida Omnibus Act, including the Florida Omnibus Act Amendment. This course meets requirements for 1 credit of HIV/AIDS training for healthcare professionals.

This course is fully accredited by the Department of Health under 64B9-5.009, F.A.C. and 456.033, F.S.

Nursing CE: 2.00
Imaging CE: 3.50
Price: $20.00
Expires: 1/1/2026

Human slavery has always existed; with the popularity of social media the awareness of human trafficking is gaining recognition throughout the world and we are now recognizing its prevalence in the United States. As healthcare and mental health professionals it is essential that we acquire the knowledge, training, and skills in conjunction with human trafficking; this course will increase your level of awareness and knowledge about human trafficking and exploitation. Includes accreditation for: FL Board of Respiratory Care; FL Board of Occupational Therapy; FL Council of Dietetics and Nutrition; FL Council of Licensed Midwifery and FL Board of Athletic Training.

This course meets or exceeds the criteria outlined in S.464.013,F.S. and the MQA for 2 CEU in human trafficking.

Nursing CE: 2.00
Price: $20.00
Expires: 1/1/2026

Human slavery has always existed; with the popularity of social media the awareness of human trafficking is gaining recognition throughout the world and we are now recognizing its prevalence in the United States. As healthcare and mental health professionals it is essential that we acquire the knowledge, training, and skills in conjunction with human trafficking; this course will increase your level of awareness and knowledge about human trafficking and exploitation.

This course meets or exceeds the criteria outlined in S.464.013,F.S. and the MQA for 2 CEU in human trafficking.

Nursing CE: 1.00
Imaging CE: 2.00
Price: $8.00
Expires: 3/31/2026

This course will help enhance the healthcare professional's ability to effectively communicate with patients in order to satisfy patients' needs and expectations. The course focuses on how to best communicate important and relevant information to a diverse patient population that will establish trust with the patient. Particular attention is given to the healthcare professional's role in communication, ethics, protocols, patient confidentiality, image quality, and professionalism.

Nursing CE: 1.00
Imaging CE: 1.00
Price: $8.00
Expires: 3/1/2026
Heart failure is a syndrome that is complicated and costly. Its prevalence is predicted to steadily grow and is costing the Unites States 32 billion dollars annually. Patients hospitalized for heart failure have a high risk for all-cause re-hospitalization and a 30-day readmission rate of 25 percent. In 2013, hospitals with excessive 30-day readmission rates were not reimbursed by one percent from Medicare; this penalty has increased to three percent in 2015. The purpose of this course is to advance nursing knowledge on heart failure to improve patient education and 30-day readmission rates.
Nursing CE: 2.00
Price: $25.00
Expires: 4/1/2026

This course is updated with the changes to APRN and the enhanced Nurse Licensure Compact. In addidtion, this course also covers the Nurse Practice Act, the general scope of practice, nursing practice in the State of Florida, the discipline process related to nursing practice, and the general requirements for continuing licensure. Completing this course will also assist the participant in creating a professional plan for career maintenance and development within the limits of the law.

This 2-hour online CE course for the LPN, RN, CRNA, and APRN fulfills the 2-hour continuing education requirement as stated in 64B9-5.013 for nursing license renewal.

Upon successful completion, your CEs will automatically post to CE Broker.

Nursing CE: 1.00
Price: $8.00
Expires: 4/1/2025

This course covers the reasons why mentoring is so important, as well the concepts, outcomes, and relevance of mentoring. Without mentoring, nurses may not feel supported and, as a result, they may not become fully engaged in their units, consequently becoming disillusioned with their profession. Nurses who have been mentored have generally found their nursing experience to be positive and worthwhile, and ultimately go on to mentor others. This course covers the characteristics of a mentor and the differences between the role of mentor and the role of preceptor - help bridge the gap between didactic information and early clinical experience.

Discount Bundle Price: $10.00

In this two-course series on Multisystem: Failure, Shock and Shock Class and Treatment you will review information on the different types of shock and the causes, sign/symptoms, and the results of decreased tissue perfusion resulting from dysfunction/failure of multiple body systems.

This system course is accredited for 2.0 CNE by Arkansas State Board of Nursing, California Board of Registered Nursing, Distrit of Columbia Board of Nursing, Georgia Board of Nursing, Florida Board of Nursing, New Mexico Board of Nursing, South Carolina Board of Nursing, West Virginia Board of Examiners for Registered Professional Nurses.

Sucessful course completions are reported to CE Broker every evening.

Discount Bundle Price: $20.00

Looking to refresh or expand on your knowledge of the nervous system? Informative, comprehensive, and presented in a unique multimedia learning format that allows you to schedule your education time around your busy life. After purchasing the course series, you have a full year to review and complete.

This system course is accredited for 5.5 CNE by Arkansas State Board of Nursing, California Board of Registered Nursing, Distrit of Columbia Board of Nursing, Georgia Board of Nursing, Florida Board of Nursing, New Mexico Board of Nursing, South Carolina Board of Nursing, West Virginia Board of Examiners for Registered Professional Nurses.

Sucessful course completions are reported to CE Broker every evening.

Nursing CE: 1.00
Price: $10.00
Expires: 5/1/2026

This is a 1-hour online CE course for Licensed Practical Nurses, Registered Nurses, and Advanced Practice Registered Nurse. This course fulfills 1-hour of the continuing education requirement as stated in 64B9-5.013 for nursing license renewal.

Once you have completed both 1-CE courses on laws and rules, you will be eligible for license renewal according to the Department of Health FBN license department. Covered in this course is the general Scope of Practice, Florida Board of Nursing (BON), and Ethics. Completing this course will also assist the participant in creating a professional plan for career maintenance and development within the limits of the law.

Upon successful completion, the participants' CEUs will be automatically reported to CE Broker.

Nursing CE: 1.00
Price: $15.00
Expires: 5/1/2026

This is a 1-hour online CE course for Licensed Practical Nurses, Registered Nurses, and Advanced Practice Registered Nurse. This course fulfills 1-hour of the continuing education requirement as stated in 64B9-5.013 for nursing license renewal.

Once you have completed both 1-CE courses on laws and rules, you will be eligible for license renewal according to the Department of Health FBN license department. Covered in this course is the Nurse Practice Act, Agencies and Statutes, Licensure in the State of Florida, License Renewal Requirements, and Additional Licensing Information.

Upon successful completion, the participants' CEUs will be automatically reported to CE Broker.

Nursing CE: 1.00
Price: $8.00
Expires: 4/1/2025

This course is designed for experienced nurses who are interested in developing and enhancing their preceptor skills. It addresses several aspects of the preceptor's role, and describes important skills for preceptor success including team-building, communication, and conflict management. This course also explains important concepts related to teaching and evaluating the adult learner in a clinical setting, such as learning phases, competency verification, and diversity issue. It describes the importance and complexity of the preceptor’s role including competency verification and reality shock.

Nursing CE: 2.00
Imaging CE: 3.00
Price: $13.50
Expires: 10/15/2025

This course fulfills the 2-hour Medical Errors requirement for license renewal. The content focus is on medical errors and their effects on patient safety. Using multi-causal analysis, you will be able to recognize error prone situations and processes and identify factors that impact the occurrence of these errors to improve patient outcomes.

This course has been approved by an MQA Board and fulfills the renewal and disciplinary continuing education requirements for 2 hours of Medical Errors as required for state licensing in the State of Florida - 64B9-5.011, F.A.C.

Discount Bundle Price: $20.00

In light of COVID-19 we would like to offer this course program to all healthcare professionals This series focuses on information relating to or affecting the pulmonary system: arterial blood gases, respiratory assessment and airway management, ventilation modes and chest tubes, and respiratory disease states. It has been developed in a unique multimedia learning format that allows you to start and stop throughout the program and go back to review as many times as needed even after you've completed - you have a full year to review and complete!

This program is accredited for 5.0 CNE by Arkansas State Board of Nursing, California Board of Registered Nursing, Distrit of Columbia Board of Nursing, Georgia Board of Nursing, Florida Board of Nursing, New Mexico Board of Nursing, South Carolina Board of Nursing, West Virginia Board of Examiners for Registered Professional Nurses.

Sucessful course completions are reported to CE Broker every evening.

Nursing CE: 2.00
Price: $13.50
Expires: 4/1/2025

Substance use disorder is under-reported among nurses due to denial, fear of losing employment, risk of a tainted reputation, embarrassment, shame, and/or unawareness of available assistance.

This course addresses workplace impairment and fulfills the 2 CNE for license renewal as mandated by the Florida Board of Nursing.

Upon successful completion, the participants' CEUs will be electronically reported to CE Broker.

Nursing CE: 1.50
Price: $25.00
Expires: 11/30/2027

This course will expand your ability to understand and interpret the 7 basic views of a TEE. In this learning module, we will learn how ultrasound technology, in the way of a TEE, can be used to detect and diagnose structural abnormalities of the heart and its effects. TEEs are widely used in guiding cardiovascular disease treatment, especially during cardiovascular surgery. A growing body of evidence underscores the usefulness of TEEs in Advanced Cardiovascular Life Support (ACLS), where it enables medical providers to detect the effectiveness of life-saving interventions when circulation is severely impaired, such as in ventricular fibrillation or asystole. Having this understanding will enhance patient care and overall medical services.


Nursing CE: 1.00
Price: $8.00
Expires: 3/1/2026

This course focuses on the care of the pediatric patient with Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV). The content of this course covers the signs and symptoms, symptom management, treatment, and patient/family education in the use of contact precautions.

Nursing CE: 2.00
Imaging CE: 2.50
Price: $16.00
Expires: 2/1/2026

This course is designed for healthcare professionals specializing in nuclear cardiology in the area of exercise stress testing with and without pharmacologic agents. It is an excellent course for any healthcare professional seeking to learn more about stress testing. The first part of the course addresses exercise stress testing measurements and indications, and patient selection and care. The last section gives an overview of pharmacologic stress testing and radioimaging, including agents, protocols, and patient monitoring.

Nursing CE: 1.00
Price: $5.00
Expires: 8/15/2026

The annual U.S. Suicide rate has increased 30% in the last 2 decades becoming a major public health concern. This course focuses on suicidal ideation and is designed to provide introductory education to better understand and identify suicidal behavior in hopes to prevent suicide through offering real-time support in recognizing risk factors and warning signs.

This course is part of echelon’s Wholistic Care Series.

Nursing CE: 1.50
Imaging CE: 2.50
Price: $15.00
Expires: 7/31/2025

There are an estimated 1.4 million adults in the United States that currently identify as transgender and 61% of those transgender individuals have pharmaceutically transitioned with Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) and 25% have undergone Gender Affirming Surgery (GAS). These therapies and practices lead to potential perioperative complications. This course is designed to increase awareness and evidence-based knowledge regarding perioperative complications in the transgender individual undergoing surgery and offer recommendations regarding the anesthetic care of this population.

Target Audience: Healthcare professionals involved in perioperative care. This list includes but is not limited to CRNAS, SRNAs, MDs, Nurse Practitioners, Physicians Assistants, RNs, or Preoperative nurses. 

Nursing CE: 1.50
Price: $25.00
Expires: 9/1/2027

The purpose of this module is to educate anesthesia providers and the healthcare team regarding the benefits of periferal nerve stimulation (PNS) prior to induction and intubation.  This course will cover the criteria for adequate depth of neuromuscular blockade (NMB), the proper application and use of objective train-of-four (TOF) as well as the clinical and financial benefits associated with adequate NMB. Increasing the use of TOF monitoring on induction of anesthesia will lead to improved patient outcomes and safety profiles.

Nursing CE: 2.00
Imaging CE: 2.00
Price: $13.50
Expires: 10/1/2026

According to Go Red For Women, "cardiovascular diseases and stroke cause 1 in 3 women's deaths each year, killing approximately one woman every 80 seconds". Unfortunately, the majority of those women did not perceive themselves to be at risk. Nearly 80 percent of cardiac events can be prevented. All healthcare professionals need to understand the awareness issues, risk factors, and treatment options for women and heart disease.