Online Courses

Cardiovascular System - Critical Care (5.5 CEU)

Discount Bundle Price: $25.00

This course bundle is accessible until 3/1/2026

A&P and Hemodynamics, Patient Assessment and Diagnostic Tests, Acute Coronary Syndrome and Heart Failure, Heart Disease and Injury, and Case Studies and Medications -- these 5 courses were grouped in a module series focusing on the understanding of the structure and function of the cardiovascular system and enhancement of the assessment and care skills needed for working with patients with cardiac disorders. Continuing nursing education credit is immediately available after each course completion of the posttest and survey.


AdventHealth University Division – echelon® is accredited as a provider of nursing continuing professional development by the American Nurses Credentialing Center’s Commission on Accreditation.

echelon® is an approved CE provider by the Florida Board of Nursing.

AdventHealth University Division echelon is approved by the California Board of Registered Nursing. Provider Number CPE16352.

NOTE: This activity may be available in multiple formats or from different sponsors; individuals may not repeat and report a self-learning activity for credit twice in the same biennium.

ANCC Accredited Organization

This course reports to CE Broker

This cardiovascular course will assist the healthcare provider in their understanding and proficiency in:

A&P and Hemodynamics (1.50 CNE)

  1. Identifying the role of circulating blood in meeting cellular needs and maintaining homeostasis.
  2. Describing the normal structure and function of the cardiovascular system.
  3. Analyzing the relationship between autonomic nervous system response and cardiovascular function.
  4. Listing the factors that affect cardiac output and explaining its impact on body perfusion.
  5. Describing the impact of medications on the autonomic nervous system.

Patient Assessment & Diagnostic Tests (1.00 CNE)

  1. Recognizing auscultation findings of normal and abnormal heart sounds.
  2. The ability to assess findings of valvular disease and ventricular septal defects and fluid changes within the heart.
  3. Completing a pertinent cardiovascular patient history and identifying blood tests that are essential for cardiovascular assessment.
  4. Comparing the noninvasive tests used to evaluate for cardiovascular dysfunction.
  5. Discussing invasive cardiovascular tests and interventions.

Acute Coronary Syndrome and Heart Failure (1.00 CNE)

  1. Identifying cardiovascular risk factors and metabolic syndrome and describing the signs and symptoms of acute coronary syndrome.
  2. Defining diagnostic criteria for unstable angina, ST-elevation myocardial infarction, and non ST-elevation myocardial infarction.
  3. Evaluating ECG findings while comparing and contrasting ST segment differences in unstable angina, ST-elevation, and non ST-elevation myocardial infarction.
  4. Examining the potential complications of acute myocardial infarction.
  5. Differentiating left and right ventricular failure, as well as medical management of each.
  6. Discussing hemodynamic principles in the following patient populations: cardiogenic shock secondary to left ventricular failure, right ventricular infarction, papillary muscle rupture, acute ventricular septal defect, pulmonary emboli, and hypovolemic shock.

Heart Disease and Injury (1.00 CNE)

  1. Identifying the signs and symptoms of carotid and peripheral artery disease and the treatment options for each.
  2. Identifying coronary revascularization procedures, including less invasive approaches.
  3. The risk factors for aneurysm formation, differentiating between the types of aneurysms and locations and the treatment options available.
  4. Identifying the various cardiac structures disorders and complications that may occur.
  5. Explaining the use of a temporary pacemaker and the indications for an implantable cardioverter defibrillator.

Case Studies and Medications (1.00 CNE)

  1. Identifying the various cardiovascular medications, including their indications, contraindications, dosages, and adverse effects.
  2. Describing procedures and diagnostic tests used in the cardiovascular arena.
  3. Identifying the signs and symptoms associated with cardiovascular disease.
  4. Describing common treatments and possible complications associated with cardiovascular care, including post-op complications.
  5. Identifying risk factors associated with cardiovascular disease.

CC01 Cardio: Anatomy & Physiology and Hemodynamics

This in-depth explanation of the cardiovascular system is the first in a series of five courses exploring the heart in structure, function, heart failure, disease, injury and medications. This course reviews the structure and function of the cardiovascular system, the role of circulating blood in meeting cellular needs, maintaining hemostasis, and much more.

CC02 Cardio: Patient Assessment and Diagnostic Tests

This cardiovascular course presents an overview of the cardiovascular patient assessment process and a review of the cardiovascular diagnostic tools used for evaluation. Signs and symptoms of cardiovascular dysfunction are discussed, and techniques for auscultating heart sounds and taking a pertinent cardiovascular patient history are described. You will also learn about invasive and non-invasive procedures for evaluating cardiovascular dysfunction, and much more.

CC03 Cardio: Acute Coronary Syndrome and Heart Failure

Learn about the risk factors associated with acute coronary syndrome. Also discussed are STEMI and NSTEMI, left and right ventricular failure, and how to recognize the signs and symptoms and medical management of acute coronary syndrome.

CC04 Cardio: Heart Disease and Injury

Surgical intervention and treatments are presented for cardiovascular disease states. Also discussed are cardiac structure disorders, aortic pathology, aneurysms, and arrhythmias.

CC05 Cardio: Case Studies and Medications

Follow several cardiovascular-associated case studies through patient presentation, diagnosis, treatment, medications, surgery, and outcomes.