Online Courses

SRNA: Reducing Stress Among SRNAs: A Pre-Matriculation Wellness and Stress Management Course

Price: FREE!
Nursing CE: 1.00

This course will focus on providing evidence-based wellness and stress reduction techniques to student nurse anesthetists with the end goal of decreasing stress among this group while promoting overall wellness and success in nurse anesthesia school. Please read the "Informed Consent" information under the Disclosures tab before registering for this course.

Course Outline

  1. Welcome and Program Objectives
  2. Program Introduction
  3. Review of Literature
  4. Cause of Stress
  5. Implication of Unmanaged Stress
  6. Current Coping Mechanisms
  7. Stress Management Introduction
  8. Wellness
  9. Time Management
  10. Study Habits
  11. Positive Coping Mechanisms
  12. Case Study
  13. Resources available at AHU
  14. Conclusion

Upon successful completion of this course, participants will be able to:

  1. Define stress among student nurse anesthetists.
  2. Identify factors contributing to stress among student nurse anesthetists.
  3. Describe the implications unmanaged stress has on the student nurse anesthetist.
  4. Analyze necessary steps to implement proper stress management techniques.
  5. Distinguish between effective wellness and stress management techniques and ineffective wellness and stress management techniques.
  6. Evaluate the emotional manifestations of the SRNA experiencing unmanaged stress.
  7. Utilize effective stress management techniques learned in this module when faced with a stressful situation.

Qualified Planners/Faculty

Vanessa Fernandez, RN, CCRN, SRNA

Vanessa is a graduate student in the Nurse Anesthesia Program at AdventHealth University. Prior to acceptance to the NAP she has gotten her certification in Pediatric Advanced Life Support, Advanced Life Support, Basic Life Support, and is a registered Critical Care Nurse (CCRN). She is a native of Florida and since 2011 has focused her career within various hospitals and Cardiovascular Intensive Care Units.  As a CVICU Preceptor she is well qualified in seeing the effects stress has on a career and education as well as the negative impact it may have on an individual's life.


This author has disclosed there are no conflicts of interests nor are there any commercial interests for this research course.

Maria Klopfenstein, RN, CCRN, SRNA

Maria is a graduate student in the Nurse Anesthesia Program at AdventHealth University. Prior to acceptance to the NAP she has gotten her certification in Pediatric Advanced Life Support, Advanced Life Support, Basic Life Support, and is a registered Critical Care Nurse (CCRN). Over the last 10 years she has worked throughout the United States including Alaska in various nursing positions i.e. Surgical, Trauma, Spine, Telemetry, and ICU Fellowship Intensive Care Unit. Experienced in juggling a career and academic studies Maria has researched the effect of wellness and balancing stress within the academic environment.

This author has disclosed there are no conflicts of interests nor are there any commercial interests for this research course.

671 Winyah Drive
Graduate Building
Orlando, Florida 32803
Phone: 4073035297
Contact Hours: 1.00, Category: Research Project

AdventHealth University (AHU)

Online Consent Document to Participate in a Human Research Study

Study Title: Reducing Stress Among SRNAs: Implementation of a Pre-Matriculation Wellness Module

Principal Investigator (PI): Martin Rivera, DNP, CRNA, APRN 

Co-investigator(s) (Co-Is): Vanessa Fernandez, RN, BSN, SRNA & Maria Klopfenstein, RN, BSN, SRNA                

Introduction of the Study

You are invited to participate in a research study titled “Reducing Stress Among SRNAs: Implementation of a Pre-Matriculation Wellness Module.” You are being invited to take part in this research because your role as a pre-matriculation SRNA may help us understand the knowledge of wellness and stress management techniques among pre-matriculation SRNAs. The information gained can be helpful for future SRNAs. There will be 26-30 participants in this module, all which will be in your cohort at AdventHealth University. Your participation in this study is completely voluntary. You are not required to participate.

Purpose of the Study          

The purpose of this study is to evaluate whether a pre-matriculation online learning module on wellness and stress management techniques results in a significant difference in knowledge of these topics among SRNAs.


If you agree to participate, you will be provided access information for an online module for you to take at your convenience within a one-month period. The module will take 60-75 mins to complete with a 20-item pretest and posttest. You will receive access information for two additional posttests at two weeks and 12 weeks into your Summer 2020 trimester. The module contains information about the history and causes of stress in SRNAs, common coping mechanisms among this population, and wellness and stress management techniques that have been shown to decrease stress levels. There will be 26-30 participants in this module, all which will be in your cohort at AdventHealth University.

Possible Risks and Discomforts Associates with the Study

This study involves minimal risk. Aside from investing your time to participate, you may find that some of the information regarding the stressful environment of nurse anesthesia school to be surprising. This information is meant to be informative and should not encourage increased anxiety before beginning the program. If at any time you feel uncomfortable or if you want to stop, close your browser and please contact a researcher. You do not have to give us any reason for not finishing the module or not responding to any of the posttest questions. In addition, although the risks of a breach of confidentiality or privacy are low, we cannot guarantee that your privacy or confidentiality will not be breached.

Potential Benefits

We do not guarantee or promise that you will receive any benefits from participation in this study. However, you may benefit by obtaining proper wellness and stress management techniques that can be used to deal with the stress of nurse anesthesia school. In addition, this study will hopefully increase our knowledge on effective ways to teach wellness and stress management techniques to SRNAs for maximum knowledge retention.


The research team will work to protect your confidential information. To protect your privacy, the pre/posttest will be anonymous. The information that you share will be kept private and stored in a locked room, and any information stored on computers are password protected. We will take steps to protect your privacy and confidential information, however we are unable to guarantee or promise that your privacy will not be breached. Governmental agencies and the IRB may request access to study related data. Data will be kept for three years following study completion. After three years, all notes will be shredded, and electronic files will be erased.

All research results will be presented without revealing any participant’s personal identity – false names and codes will be used as necessary. If you have questions about the research, your research rights, or if you experience any inconvenience or distress as a result of the research, please contact Martin Rivera at (407) 303-9331. You may also contact the IRB at (407) 303-9798 with questions about your research rights.

Sharing the Results

The knowledge that we obtain from your participation will be shared in the following ways. The team will submit the final manuscript with study results to a professional journal for dissemination. The team will present a final poster presentation in April of 2021 to the students and faculty of AdventHealth University. No information that you shared with us will be presented with your name or any other identifying information. All information when presented is de-identified without any links to you and presented as group data.

Voluntary Participation

Your participation in this study is voluntary. You may choose to not to participate. The decision to participate or not participate in this research study is completely up to you. If you choose not to participate your refusal to participate in this research study will involve no penalty or loss of benefits to you. Refusal to participate or withdrawal from the study will have no effect on your academics with the nurse anesthesia department.  If you choose to participate, you can change your mind later and withdraw your consent and discontinue participation from this study at any time. If you chose to withdraw informed the PI of your wishes. You can stop the module or posttest by closing your internet browser window.

Right to Refuse or Withdrawal from the study

You do not have to participate in this research study and choosing not to participate in this study will not involve any penalty or loss of benefit to you. The decision to participate or not participate in this research study is completely up to you. If you choose to participate, you can change your mind later and withdraw your consent and discontinue participation from this study at any time. If you chose to withdraw from the study informed the PI of your wishes.


There are no incentives or compensation for participating in this study. You will not receive any payment for being in this study. This will not cost you anything except for internet access.

Conflict of Interest

There is no conflict of interest, financial gain, or other inducements offered to any of the researchers in this project.

Contact Information

If you have questions, concerns, or complaints regarding this study you may contact the Principal Investigator at (407) 303-9331. You may also email him at You may also contact AHU research office at (407) 407-609-1388 or or the IRB Office at (407) 303-5619.

Other Information

We thank you for your participation in this research study. The information that we gathered during this research will not be used or distributed to any other researcher for any other research purposes not clearly outlined in this consent form.

This research has been reviewed and approved by AdventHealth University Institutional Review Board, which is tasked to protect research participants from harm. If you want to learn more about the Institutional Review Board and its role in protecting research participants feel free to contact AdventHealth University IRB at (407) 303-5619.

Participant’s Understanding

  • I have been invited to participate in research study entitled: Reducing Stress Among SRNAs: Implementation of a Pre-Matriculation Wellness Module
  • I understand that my participation is voluntary.
  • I understand that all data collected will be limited to the use disclosed above.
  • I understand that I will not be identified by name in any presentation or publication.
  • I am aware that all my information will be kept confidential and secured by the researcher.
  • I understand that I may withdraw from the study at any time.

Voluntary consent:

By continuing on to the module, you indicate that

  • You have read the information about the study provided above
  • You have had the opportunity to ask questions about the study by calling or emailing the researchers
  • Your questions have been answered, if applicable
  • You have been told that you can ask the IRB questions about your study rights by using the contact information provided
  • You may print a copy of this consent for your personal records
  • You voluntarily agree to participate in the study entitled: Reducing Stress Among SRNAs: Implementation of a Pre-Matriculation Wellness Module

If you would like to receive an electronic copy of this consent form, please email Dr. Martin Rivera at

I have read the informed consent document and I voluntary consent to be a participant in this study.