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All Communication Courses

CE: 2.00Price: $50.00

Having to give bad news to patients happens frequently in healthcare arenas and many times healthcare professionals have not received training and education on how to compassionately and competently deliver bad news. Research has demonstrated that educating and reeducating healthcare professionals how to deliver bad news using a tool decreases patient distress and improves healthcare professional confidence and empathetic response thereby creating a better encounter for everyone involved.

This course will focus on providing healthcare professional education on the available tools and frameworks available to deliver bad news and provide education on how to implement one of these tools when having to discuss difficult information with patients.

To access this course, you must enter a valid promotion code.
CE: 1.00

“Stress is a story that wants to be shared and needs to be heard.” Vice President of Mission and Ministry and ACPE Certified Chaplain Educator Jay Perez presents Six basic, adaptable principles upon which to build crisis support groups of various kinds. This course is designed for chaplains providing care in the clinical setting, often called to provide brief, time-limited end-of-shift debriefings for care teams facing stress, cumulative grief, and other critical incidents. It leads through a transformative care model that begins with hearing the stress story and pointing a way forward to resilience and hope. This course reflects our “Love Me” service standard as spiritual caregivers extending the healing ministry of Christ to interdisciplinary team members.